Terms of Use Using the store coemi-lingerie.com you accept the terms of our Privacy Policy located below. Personal dataTo use the store coemi-lingerie.com it is required to give necessary personal data to use the service - name, current address, phone number and a valid and active e-mail address. The customer has the insight and the ability to fully edit their personal information.Customers’ passwords are stored in encrypted form. Password recovery is not possible. In the event of forgetting the password, a new password will be sent to the e-mail address provided during registration. All the obtained data is protected and used only for the purposes of information and marketing needs of the COEMI company in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Data of 29.09.1997 (Dz. U. No. 133, item. 883). Personal data are not shared with third parties. Subscription of free newsletters coemi-lingerie.com store offers its customers a service of information about new products and special offers via e-mail newsletter sent. Newsletter subscription is free, optional and independent of the registration in the store. The client has the right to unsubscribe at any time. Ordering services and products Ordering services and products offered by coemi-lingerie.com requires entering the shipping address and the phone number in the given form. Default shipping address is given by the customer during the registration process. The customer can give a different shipping address when ordering. The client account is linked with the full story of their orders. Unexpected messages and newsletters coemi-lingerie.com reserves the right to send unexpected messages to people who have shared personal data and who have agreed to the Privacy Policy. Cookies Some areas of the sites belonging to the coemi-lingerie.com may use cookies, which are small text files sent to a computer of an individual to identify them in a necessary way to simplify or to cancel a given operation. The condition for cookies to work is their acceptance by the browser and not removing them from the disk. Unsubscribing from site Removal of personal data of a customer from the service is unequivocal with the removal of their account at the store. Removing an account can be done after a written request of the customer, mailed to the address informations@coemi-lingerie.com